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    Understanding Different           Types of Trail Blazes


Trail blazes come in a variety of different formats.  They range from colored  paint markings on a tree to a piece of colored metal nailed to a tree, wooden signs or carved markings on a tree.  
They could be arrows, words or just a slab of paint.
 Whichever you come across it is very important to know how to read them and understand them so you stay on the trail and hopefully don't get lost.

There are 6 common confugurations of blazes you will come across


This Indicates the trail is heading straight

This indicates the trail is heading right


This indicates the trail is heading left

This indicates the start of the trail


This indicates the end of the trail

This is a trail intersection, Red trail heads right, white trail goes straight


I hope this helps you out when out hiking. When I first started hiking I was confused as hell when I came across the blazes indicating left, right and intersection, and got lost often.😂

With that I decided to go online to figure out what the blazes meant and now I don't get lost or off the trail , as much lol 



©NE HIKES 2020-2021

Updated 1/2021

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